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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書(shū)科學(xué)技術(shù)計(jì)算機(jī)/網(wǎng)絡(luò)操作系統(tǒng)UNIX高級(jí)UNIX程序設(shè)計(jì)



定 價(jià):¥69.00

作 者: (美)羅克金德(Rochkind, M.J.)著
出版社: 清華大學(xué)出版社
叢編項(xiàng): 大學(xué)計(jì)算機(jī)教育國(guó)外著名教材系列
標(biāo) 簽: UNIX操作系統(tǒng) 程序設(shè)計(jì) 高等學(xué)校 教材 英文

ISBN: 9787302126454 出版時(shí)間: 2006-04-01 包裝: 平裝
開(kāi)本: 16開(kāi) 頁(yè)數(shù): 704 字?jǐn)?shù):  


系統(tǒng)函數(shù)決定了什么是UNIX,其他的(如子例程和命令)都是建立在系統(tǒng)函數(shù)的基礎(chǔ)之上?,F(xiàn)今的UNIX說(shuō)明書(shū)中有1100多個(gè)系統(tǒng)函數(shù),要掌握這些函數(shù)是件很困難的事。本書(shū)主要介紹了其中最常用的300多個(gè)系統(tǒng)函數(shù)。全書(shū)包括基本概念、基本文件I/O、高級(jí)文件I/0、終端I/0、進(jìn)程與線程、基本進(jìn)程間通信、高級(jí)進(jìn)程間通信、網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)與套接字,以及信號(hào)與定時(shí)器等9章。 本書(shū)給出了數(shù)千行的示例代碼,所有這些代碼都可以從本書(shū)網(wǎng)~kwww.basepath.com/aup下載。本書(shū)每章的末尾都給出了一些練習(xí)。這些練習(xí)的難易程度各不相同,一些只需幾句話就可以回答,一些是簡(jiǎn)單的程序設(shè)計(jì)問(wèn)題,還有一些則可以作為每學(xué)期的UNIX程序設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目練習(xí)。




Preface    xi
Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts    l
    1.1  A Whirlwind Tour of UNIX and Linux    1
    1.2 Versions of UNIX    16
    1.3 UsinR Svstem Calls    19
    1.4 Error Handling    24
    1.5 UNIX Standards    38
    1.6 Common Header File    55
    1.7 Dates and Times    56
    1.8 AbOUt the Example COde    67
    1.9  Essential Resources    68
Chapter 2 Basic File I/O    7l
    2.1  IntrodUCtion tO File I/O    7l
    2.2  File Descriptors and ODen File DeSCriptions    72
    2.3  Svmbols for File Perlilission Bits    75
    2.4  open and creat System Calls    76
    2.5 umask Svstem Call    86
    2.6 unl ink Svstem Call    86
    2.7  Creating Temporarv Files    88
    2.8  File Offsets and O APPEND    90
    2.9 wri te Svstem Call    92
    2.10 read Svstem Call    96
    2.1 l  close Svstem CaU    97
    2.12 User Bufiered I/O    98
    2.13  lseek Svstem Call    105
    2.14  pread and pwrite Svstem CaIls    108
  2.15 readv and writev System Calls    110
    2.16 Svnchronized I/O    l14
    2.17 truncate and ftruncate Svstem Calls    l19
Chapter 3 Advanced File I/O    l23
    3.1  Introduction    l23
    3.2 Disk SDecial FiIes and File Systems    l23
    3.3 Hard and SvmboIic Links    l37
    3.4 Pathnames    144
    3.5 Accessing and Displaying File Metadata    l47
    3.6 Directories    158
    3.7 Changing an I-Node    l8l
    3.8  More File-Manipulation Calls    l85
    3.9 Asynchronous I/O    l89
Chapter 4 TerminaI I/O    203
    4.1  Introduction    203
    4.2 Reading from a Terminal    204
    4.3  Sessions and Process Grouos (Jobs)    224
    4.4 ioctl System Call    232
    4.5  Setting Terminal Attributes    233
    4.6  Additional Terminal-Contr01 Svstem Calls    245
    4.7  Terminal-Identification System Calls    248
    4.8 Full-Screen A019licatiOns    250
    4.9  STREAMS I/O    255
    4.10 Pseudo Terminals    256
Chapter 5 Processes and Threads    277
    5.1  IntroductiOn    277
    5.2  Environment    277
    5.3  exec System Calls    284
    5.4 Implemeriting a Shell(Version 1)  292
    5.5  fork System CaU    296
    5.6 Implementing a Shell(Version 2)  300
    5.7  exit System Calls and Process TelTflinatiOn    30l
    5.8  wait.waitpid.a(chǎn)nd waitid Svstem Calls    304
    5.9  Signals、Termination,and Waiting    3l3
    5.10 Implementing a Shell(Version 3)    314
    5.1l Gettin2 User and Group IDs    315
    5.12 Setting User and Grouo IDs    317
  5.13 Getting Process IDs    319
  5.14 chroot Svstem Call    3 19
  5.1 5  Getting and Setting the PrioritV    320
  5.16 Process Limits    322
  5.1 7  Introduction to Threads    329
5.1 8 The BlOcking Problem    350
Chapter 6 Basic Interprocess Communication    36l
    6.1  Introduction    36 1
    6.2 Pipes    362
    6.3  dup and dup2 System Calls    371
    6.4 A Real Shell    376
    6.5  TWO-Way CommunicatiOn with Unidirectional Pipes    390
    6.6  TWO-Wav Communication with Bidirectional Pipes    399
Chapter 7 Advanced Interprocess Communication    405
    7.1  Introduction    405
    7.2  FIFOs,or Named Pipes    406
    7-3  An Abstract Simple Messaging Interface(SMI)    414
    7.4  System V IPC (InterDrocess Communication)    428
    7.5 System V Message Queues    434
    7.6.  POSIX IPC    442
    7.7 POSIX Message Queues    445
    7.8 About Semaphores    458
    7.9  System V Semaphores    460
    7.1 0 POSIX Semaphores    469
    7.11 File Locking    477
    7.12 About Shared MemoFv    488
    7.13  System V Shared MemorN    489
    7.14 POSIX Shared Memorv    504
    7.15  Performance Comoarisoils    515
Chapter 8 Networking and Sockets                           519
     8.1  Socket Basics    520
     8.2  Socket Addresses     533
     8.3  Socket Options    544
     8.4 Simple Socket Interface (SSI)    549
     8.5  Socket Implementation of SMI    563
     8.6 Connectionless Sockets    567
     8.7  Out-of-Band Data    577
     8.8 Network Database Functions    578
     8.9 Miscellaneous System Calls    593
     8.10 High-Performance Considerations     597
Chapter 9 Signals and Timers                               601
     9.1  Signal Basics    601
     9.2 Waiting for a Signal    624
     9.3 Miscellaneous Signal System Calls    634
     9.4 Deprecated Signal System Calls    635
     9.5 Realtime Signals Extension (RTS)    637
     9.6 Global Jumps     648
     9.7 Clocks and Timers    651
Appendix A Process Attributes                              667
Appendix B Ux: A C++ Wrapper for Standard UNIX Functions 673
Appendix C Jtux: A Java/Jython Interface to Standard
                UNIX Functions                                677
Appendix D Alphabetical and Categorical Function Lists       685
References          703
Index               705


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