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MCSE NT Workstation4考前沖刺

MCSE NT Workstation4考前沖刺

定 價:¥48.00

作 者: (美)EdTittel等著
出版社: 中國水利水電出版社
標 簽: 漢字信息處理

ISBN: 9787980040431 出版時間: 2000-01-01 包裝:
開本: 26cm 頁數(shù): 464頁 字數(shù):  


暫缺《MCSE NT Workstation4考前沖刺》簡介


暫缺《MCSE NT Workstation4考前沖刺》作者簡介


The NICSE Exam Cram Self Assessment
Chapter 1
Microsoft Certifi cation Exams
Assessing Exam-Readiness
The Exam Situation
Exam Layout And Design
Recognizing Your Exam Type: FixedLength or Adaptive
Question-Handling Strategies
Mastering The Inner Game
Additional Resources
Chapter 2
Windows NT Architecture
Basic Features
User And KerneI Mode
Windows NT Memory Organization
Server And Workstation Differences
Windows NT Workstation And Windows And 98 Comparison
Practice Questions
Need TO Know More?
Chapter 3
Installing And Configuring Workstation
PreinstalIation Requirements
InstaIIing Vs.Upgrading
Booting Multip1e OSs
Planning Windows NT WOrkstation InstalIation
Automated Windows NTWorkstation lnstaIIation
Actual lnstaIlation StepByStep
UninstalIing Windows NT Workstation
Practice Questions
Need TO Know More?
Chapter 4
Users, Groups And Policies
Users And User Accounts
Working With The User Manager
Security PoIicies
Practice Questions
Need TO Know More?
Chapter 5
Configuring Windows NT Workstation
Control PaneI Applets
User Configuration Applets
User Profiles
Working With The Windows NT Registry
Windows NT Diagnostics (WlNMSD)
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 6
Windows NT FiIe Systems And Structures
FAT Comes ln Many Flavors
NewTechnoIogy File System (NTFS)
Differences Between FAT And NTFS
Windows NT Volume Structures
Disk Structure
Special Boot Considerations
Practice Questions
Need TO Know More?
Chapter 7
FiIe And Di rectory Secu rity
Basics Of Security
NTFS Security
Shares And Permissions
Permission Combinations
Managing Shared Resources
Windows NT Backup
Other NT Security lssues
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 8
Windows NT System Secu rity
The Windows NT Security Model
Customizing The Logon Process
Practice Questions
Need TO Know More?
Chapter 9
Windows NT Networking
Microsoft Network Component Architecture
Builtln Windows NT Protocols
NetBEUI Connectivity lssues
NWLink Connectivity Issues
TCP/IP Connectivity Issues
InterProcess Communications
Network Configuration
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 1O
The TCP/IP Protocol Suite
TCP/IP Tools
Windows NT Names And Name Services
Peer Web Services
Practice Questions
Need TO Know More?
Chapter 11
NetWa re Connect ivity
ProtocoIs And CompatibiIity lssues
Gateway Service For NetWare
CIient Service For NetWare
FiIe And Print Services For NetW8re
NetWareAware Applications
NetW8re TroubIeshooting
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 12
Workg roups, Doma ins And Browsers
A SimpIe Look At Domains And ControIIers
Workstation Logon
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 13
Remote Access Service (RAS)
Windows NT RAS
TeIephony APl (TAPl) Properties And Phonebooks
InstalIing RAS
The RAS Logon Process
AdditionaI RAS Features
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 14
Windows NT Printing
The Windows NT Print Lexicon
Printing With Windows NT WOrkstation
Printing From Windows NT CIients
Printer InstalIation
Printer Configuration
Print Job Management
Printer Shares
Multiple Printers: Physical And Logical
Print Auditing
Logical Printers And Printing Pools
TCP/IP And Unix Printers
Printer Troubleshooting
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 15
Tuning And NIonitoring Windows
NT Workstation
Task Manager
PerfOrmance Monitor
Windows NT Paging File
Managing Process Priorities
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 16 Application Subsystem Architecture
The Windows NT Environmental Subsystems
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 17
Booting Windows NT
Bootstrapping A Computer
The Windows NT Boot Components
ARC Names And Attached Hard Drives
Managing The BOOTINl File
Troubleshooting The Windows NT Boot Process
Multiboot Configuration lssues
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 18
Troubles hooting
lnstallation F8ilures
Boot Failures
Printing Solutions
MiscellaneousTroubIeshooting lssues
Advanced Troubleshooting
Practice Questions
Need To Know More?
Chapter 19
SampIe Test #1
Questions, Questions, Questions
Picking Proper Answers
Decoding Ambiguity
Working Within The Framework
Deciding What To Memorize
Preparing ForThe Test
Taking Thetest
Sample Test #1
Chapter 2O
Answer Key #1
Chapter 21
Sample Test #2
Chapter 22
Answer Key #2


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