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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)計算機(jī)/網(wǎng)絡(luò)軟件工程及軟件方法學(xué)UML面向?qū)ο蠼Ec設(shè)計:英文版



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作 者: (美)Michael Blaha,(美)James Rumbaugh著
出版社: 人民郵電出版社
叢編項: 圖靈原版計算機(jī)科學(xué)系列
標(biāo) 簽: UML

ISBN: 9787115140760 出版時間: 2006-01-01 包裝: 膠版紙
開本: 24cm 頁數(shù): 477 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  本書是“面向?qū)ο蠼Ec設(shè)計”領(lǐng)域的經(jīng)典著作。第 1 版在 1998 年出版,首次詳細(xì)闡述了“對象建模技術(shù)( OMT )”,吸引了相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的專家、技術(shù)人員、工程師以及大學(xué)教師們的廣泛關(guān)注。 兩位作者都是 OMT 的發(fā)明人。 OMT 曾經(jīng)是最廣泛使用的設(shè)計方法之一,目前,其中的大部分技術(shù)已經(jīng)被 UML 直接采納。 Rumbaugh 也是 UML 的發(fā)明人之一。第 2 版沿襲了取得巨大成功的第 1 版的風(fēng)格,但在內(nèi)容上做了重大更新,增加了用例、活動模型、順序圖等,并與 UML2 兼容。第 2 版的教輔材料非常豐富,除了在書的最后有部分習(xí)題解答之外,還在網(wǎng)上提供了 200 頁左右的在線習(xí)題解答。 本書詳細(xì)論述了面向?qū)ο蟮母拍?、圖形表示法和開發(fā)方法學(xué)。本書由四部分組成。第一部分以一種高層的、獨(dú)立于語言的方式描述面向?qū)ο蟮母拍?,還介紹了本書中使用的 UML 表示法;第二部分從問題陳述到分析、系統(tǒng)設(shè)計和類設(shè)計,一步一步地描述了軟件開發(fā)的面向?qū)ο蠓椒▽W(xué);第三部分用面向?qū)ο笳Z言和關(guān)系數(shù)據(jù)庫描述了面向?qū)ο笤O(shè)計的實現(xiàn);第四部分描述了成功的面向?qū)ο箝_發(fā)所需要的軟件工程實踐。本書還配有豐富的習(xí)題,覆蓋了一系列應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域以及實現(xiàn)目標(biāo),而且在書的后面給出了部分習(xí)題的答案。


  Michael Blaha博士是加拿大溫哥華Modelsoft咨詢公司以及美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥SentientPoint公司的合伙人。他是IEEE計算機(jī)學(xué)會的活躍人物。他的研究興趣包括面向?qū)ο蠹夹g(shù)、建模、系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)、數(shù)據(jù)庫設(shè)計、企業(yè)集成和反向工程。James Rumbaug博士是IBM Rational的杰出工程師。他是UML三位首創(chuàng)者之一。他撰寫的有關(guān)面向?qū)ο蟮臅臀恼略谟嬎銠C(jī)界影響深遠(yuǎn)。


Chapter 1  Introduction    1
      1.1   What Is Object Orientation?, 1
      1.2   What Is OO Development?, 3
      1.3   OO Themes, 6
      1.4   Evidence for Usefulness of OO Development, 8
      1.5   OO Modeling History, 9
      1.6   Organization of This Book, 9
      Bibliographic Notes, 10
      References, 11
      Exercises, 11
Part 1: Modeling Concepts    13
Chapter 2  Modeling as a Design Technique    15
      2.1   Modeling, 15
      2.2   Abstraction, 16
      2.3   The Three Models, 16
      2.4   Chapter Summary, 18
      Bibliographic Notes, 19
      Exercises, 19
Chapter 3  Class Modeling    21
      3.1   Object and Class Concepts, 21
      3.2   Link and Association Concepts, 27
      3.3   Generalization and Inheritance, 37
      3.4   A Sample Class Model, 41
      3.5   Navigation of Class Models, 43
      3.6   Practical Tips, 48
      3.7   Chapter Summary, 49
      Bibliographic Notes, 50
      References, 51
      Exercises, 52
Chapter 4  Advanced Class Modeling    60
      4.1   Advanced Object and Class Concepts, 60
      4.2   Association Ends, 63
      4.3   N-ary Associations, 64
      4.4   Aggregation, 66
      4.5   Abstract Classes, 69
      4.6   Multiple Inheritance, 70
      4.7   Metadata, 75
      4.8   Reification, 76
      4.9   Constraints, 77
      4.10  Derived Data, 79
      4.11  Packages, 80
      4.12  Practical Tips, 81
      4.13  Chapter Summary, 82
      Bibliographic Notes, 83
      References, 83
       Exercises, 83
Chapter 5  State Modeling    90
       5.1   Events, 90
       5.2   States, 92
       5.3   Transitions and Conditions, 94
       5.4   State Diagrams, 95
       5.5   State Diagram Behavior, 99
       5.6   Practical Tips, 103
       5.7   Chapter Summary, 103
       Bibliographic Notes, 105
       References, 106
       Exercises, 106
Chapter 6  Advanced State Modeling    110
      6.1   Nested State Diagrams, 110
      6.2   Nested States, 111
      6.3   Signal Generalization, 114
      6.4   Concurrency, 114
      6.5   A Sample State Model, 118
      6.6   Relation of Class and State Models. 123
      6.7   Practical Tips, 124
      6.8   Chapter Summary, 125
      Bibliographic Notes, 126
      References, 126
      Exercises, 126
Chapter 7  Interaction Modeling    131
      7.1   Use Case Models, 131
      7.2   Sequence Models, 136
      7.3   Activity Models, 140
      7.4   Chapter Summary, 144
      Bibliographic Notes, 144
      References, 145
      Exercises, 145
Chapter 8  Advanced Interaction Modeling    147
      8.1   Use Case Relationships, 147
      8.2   Procedural Sequence Models, 152
      8.3   Special Constructs for Activity Models, 154
      8.4   Chapter Summary, 157
      References, 157
      Exercises, 158
Chapter 9  Concepts Summary    161
      9.1   Class Model, 161
      9.2   State Model, 161
      9.3   Interaction Model, 162
      9.4   Relationship Among the Models, 162
Part 2: Analysis and Design    165
Chapter 10  Process Overview    167
      10.1  Development Stages, 167
      10.2  Development Life Cycle, 170
      10.3  Chapter Summary, 171
      Bibliographic Notes, 172
      Exercises, 172
Chapter 11  System Conception    173
      11.1  Devising a System Concept, 173
      11.2  Elaborating a Concept, 174
      11.3  Preparing a Problem Statement, 176
      11.4 Chapter Summary, 178
      Exercises, 179
Chapter 12  Domain Analysis    181
      12.1  Overview of Analysis, 181
      12.2  Domain Class Model, 183
      12.3  Domain State Model, 201
      12.4  Domain Interaction Model, 204
      12.5  Iterating the Analysis, 204
      12.6  Chapter Summary, 206
      Bibliographic Notes, 206
      References, 207
      Exercises, 207
Chapter 13  Application Analysis    216
       13.1  Application Interaction Model, 216
       13.2  Application Class Model, 224
       13.3  Application State Model, 227
       13.4  Adding Operations, 233
       13.5  Chapter Summary, 234
       Bibliographic Notes, 236
       References, 236
       Exercises, 236
Chapter 14  System Design    240
       14.1  Overview of System Design, 240
       14.2  Estimating Performance, 241
       14.3  Making a Reuse Plan, 242
       14.4  Breaking a System into Subsystems, 244
       14.5  Identifying Concurrency, 246
       14.6  Allocation of Subsystems, 248
       14.7  Management of Data Storage, 250
       14.8  Handling Global Resources, 252
       14.9  Choosing a Software Control Strategy, 253
       14.10 Handling Boundary Conditions, 255
       14.11 Setting Trade-off Priorities, 255
       14.12 Common Architectural Styles, 256
       14.13 Architecture of the ATM System, 261
       14.14 Chapter Summary, 262
       Bibliographic Notes, 264
       References, 264
       Exercises, 264
Chapter 15  Class Design    270
       15.1  Overview of Class Design, 270
       15.2  Bridging the Gap, 271
       15.3  Realizing Use Cases, 272
       15.4  Designing Algorithms, 274
       15.5  Recursing Downward, 279
       15.6  Refactoring, 280
       15.7  Design Optimization, 280
       15.8  Reification of Behavior, 284
       15.9  Adjustment of Inheritance, 284
       15.10 Organizing a Class Design, 288
       15.11 ATM Example, 290
       15.12 Chapter Summary, 290
       Bibliographic Notes, 292
       References, 293
       Exercises, 293
Chapter 16  Process Summary    298
      16.1  System Conception, 299
      16.2  Analysis, 299
      16.3  Design, 300
Part 3: Implementation    301
Chapter 17  Implementation Modeling    303
      17.1  Overview of Implementation, 303
      17.2 Fine-tuning Classes, 303
      17.3  Fine-tuning Generalizations, 305
      17.4  Realizing Associations, 306
      17.5  Testing, 310
      17.6  Chapter Summary, 312
      Bibliographic Notes, 312
      References, 313
      Exercises, 313
Chapter 18  OO Languages    314
      18.1  Introduction, 314
      18.2  Abbreviated ATM Model, 317
      18.3  Implementing Structure, 317
      18.4  Implementing Functionality, 331
      18.5  Practical Tips, 341
      18.6  Chapter Summary, 342
      Bibliographic Notes, 343
      References, 343
      Exercises, 344
Chapter 19  Databases    348
       19.1  Introduction, 348
       19.2  Abbreviated ATM Model, 352
       19.3  Implementing Structure—Basic, 352
       19.4  Implementing Structure—Advanced, 360
       19.5  Implementing Structure for the ATM Example, 363
       19.6  Implementing Functionality, 366
       19.7  Object-Oriented Databases, 370
       19.8  Practical Tips, 371
       19.9  Chapter Summary, 372
       Bibliographic Notes, 373
       References, 373
       Exercises, 374
Chapter 20  Programming Style    380
       20.1  Object-Oriented Style, 380
       20.2  Reusability, 380
       20.3  Extensibility, 384
       20.4  Robustness, 385
       20.5  Programming-in-the-Large, 387
       20.6  Chapter Summary, 390
       Bibliographic Notes, 391
       References, 391
       Exercises, 391
Part 4: Software Engineering    393
Chapter 21  Iterative Development    395
       21.1  Overview of Iterative Development, 395
       21.2  Iterative Development vs. Waterfall, 395
       21.3  Iterative Development vs. Rapid Prototyping, 396
       21.4  Iteration Scope, 397
       21.5  Performing an Iteration, 398
       21.6  Planning the Next Iteration, 399
       21.7  Modeling and Iterative Development, 399
       21.8  Identifying Risks, 400
       21.9  Chapter Summary, 401
       Bibliographic Notes, 402
       References, 402
Chapter 22  Managing Models    403
      22.1  Overview of Managing Models, 403
      22.2  Kinds of Models, 403
      22.3  Modeling Pitfalls, 404
      22.4  Modeling Sessions, 406
      22.5  Organizing Personnel, 409
      22.6  Learning Techniques, 410
      22.7  Teaching Techniques, 410
      22.8  Tools, 411
      22.9  Estimating Modeling Effort, 413
      22.10 Chapter Summary, 414
      Bibliographic Notes, 414
      References, 415
Chapter 23  Legacy Systems    416
      23.1  Reverse Engineering, 416
      23.2  Building the Class Model, 418
      23.3  Building the Interaction Model, 419
      23.4  Building the State Model, 420
      23.5  Reverse Engineering Tips, 420
      23.6  Wrapping, 421
      23.7  Maintenance, 422
      23.8  Chapter Summary, 422
      Bibliographic Notes, 423
      References, 424
Appendix A   UML Graphical Notation    425
Appendix B  Glossary`    426
Answers to Selected Exercises    441
Index    469


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