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定 價:¥54.00

作 者: 美Edward Angel著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 圖形學(xué)

ISBN: 9787040137248 出版時間: 2003-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 24cm+光盤1片 頁數(shù): 719 字?jǐn)?shù):  




  Edward Angel is currently a professor of Commputer Sicience,Electrical and Computer Engineering and Media Arts at the university of new mexico.He was recently named the Director of the Art tech Center at UNM in the College of Fine Arts.Professor Angel received his Ph.D.in electrical engineering from the university of Southern California in 1968 and has since held visiting positions in Sweden,India,and England.his present research interests focus on computer graphics and scientific visualization.


chapter 1 graphics systems and models
1.1 applications of computer graphics
1.1.1 display of information
1.1.2 design
1.1.3 simulation and animation
1.1.4 user interfaces
1.2 a graphics system
1.2.1 pixels and the frame buffer
1.2.2 output devices
1.2.3 input devices
1.3 images: physical and synthetic
1.3.1 objects and viewers
1.3.2 light and images
1.3.3 ray tracing
1.4 the human visual system
1.5 the pinhole camera
1.6 the synthetic-camera model
1.7 the programmer's interface
1.7.1 application programmer's interfaces
1.7.2 the pen-plotter model
1.7.3 three-dimensional apis
1.7.4 a sequence of images
1.7.5 the modeling-rendering paradigm
1.8 graphics architectures
1.8.1 display processors
1.8.2 pipeline architectures
1.8.3 transformations
1.8.4 clipping
1.8.5 projection
1.8.6 rasterization
1.8.7 performance characteristics
1.9 summary and notes
1.10 suggested readings
chapter 2 graphics programming
2.1 the sierpinski gasket
2.2 programming two-dimensional applications
2.2.1 coordinate systems
2.3 the opengl api
2.3.1 graphics functions
2.3.2 the graphics pipeline and state machines
2.3.3 the opengl interface
2.4 primitives and attributes
2.4.1 polygon basics
2.4.2 polygon types in opengl
2.4.3 drawing a sphere
2.4.4 text
2.4.5 curved objects
2.4.6 attributes
2.5 color
2.5.1 rgb color
2.5.2 indexed color
2.5.3 setting of color attributes
2.6 viewing
2.6.1 two-dimensional viewing
2.6.2 the orthographic view
2.6.3 matrix modes
2.7 control functions
2.7.1 interaction with the window system
2.7.2 aspect ratio and viewports
2.7.3 the main, display, and myinit functions
2.7.4 program structure
2.8 the gasket program
2.9 polygons and recursion
2.10 the three-dimensional gasket
2.10.1 use of three-dimensional points
2.10.2 use of polygons in three dimensions
2.10.3 hidden-surface removal
2.11 summary and notes
2.12 suggested readings
chapter 3 input and interaction
3.1 interaction
3.2 input devices
3.2.1 physical input devices
3.2.2 logical devices
3.2.3 measure and trigger
3.2.4 input modes
3.3 clients and servers
3.4 display lists
3.4.1 definition and execution of display lists
3.4.2 text and display lists
3.4.3 fonts in glut
3.5 programming event-driven input
3.5.1 using the pointing device
3.5.2 window events
3.5.3 keyboard events
3.5.4 the display and idle callbacks
3.5.5 window management
3.6 menus
3.7 picking
3.7.1 picking and selection mode
3.8 a simple paint program
3.9 animating interactive programs
3.9.1 the rotating square
3.9.2 double buffering
3.9.3 other buffering problems
3.10 design of interactive programs
3.10.1 toolkits, widgets, and the frame buffer
3.11 logic operations
3.11.1 drawing erasable lines
3.11.2 xor and color
3.11.3 cursors and overlay planes
3.12 summary and notes
3.13 suggested readings
chapter 4 geometric objects and transformations
4.1 scalars, points, and vectors
4.1.1 the geometric view
4.1.2 coordinate-free geometry
4.1.3 the mathematical view: vector and affine spaces
4.1.4 the computer-science view
4.1.5 geometric adts
4.1.6 lines
4.1.7 affine sums
4.1.8 convexity
4.1.9 dot and cross products
4.1.10 planes
4.2 three-dimensional primitives
4.3 coordinate systems and frames
4.3.1 representations and n-tuples
4.3.2 changes of coordinate systems
4.3.3 example of change of representation
4.3.4 homogeneous coordinates
4.3.5 example of change in frames
4.3.6 working with representations
4.3.7 frames and adts
4.3.8 frames in opengl
4.4 modeling a colored cube
4.4.1 modeling of a cube
4.4.2 inward- and outward-pointing faces
4.4.3 data structures for object representation
4.4.4 the color cube
4.4.5 bilinear interpolation
4.4.6 vertex arrays
4.5 affine transformations
4.6 translation, rotation, and scaling
4.6.1 translation
4.6.2 rotation
4.6.3 scaling
4.7 transformations in homogeneous coordinates
4.7.1 translation
4.7.2 scaling
4.7.3 rotation
4.7.4 shear
4.8 concatenation of transformations
4.8.1 rotation about a fixed point
4.8.2 general rotation
4.8.3 the instance transformation
4.8.4 rotation about an arbitrary axis
4.9 opengl transformation matrices
4.9.1 the current transformation matrix
4.9.2 rotation, translation, and scaling
4.9.3 rotation about a fixed point in opengl
4.9.4 order of transformations
4.9.5 spinning of the cube
4.9.6 loading, pushing, and popping matrices
4.10 interfaces to three-dimensional applications
4.10.1 using areas of the screen
4.10.2 a virtual trackball
4.10.3 smooth rotations
4.10.4 incremental rotation
4.11 quaternions
4.11.1 complex numbers and quaternions
4.11.2 quaternions and rotation
4.12 summary and notes
4.13 suggested readings
chapter 5 viewing
5.1 classical and computer viewing
5.1.1 classical viewing
5.1.2 orthographic projections
5.1.3 axonometric projections
5.1.4 oblique projections
5.1.5 perspective viewing
5.2 viewing with a computer
5.3 positioning of the camera
5.3.1 positioning of the camera frame
5.3.2 two viewing apis
5.3.3 the look-at function
5.3.4 other viewing apis
5.4 simple projections
5.4.1 perspective projections
5.4.2 orthogonal projections
5.5 projections in opengl
5.5.1 perspective in opengl
5.5.2 parallel viewing in opengl
5.6 hidden-surface removal
5.6.1 culling
5.7 walking through a scene
5.8 parallel-projection matrices
5.8.1 projection normalization
5.8.2 orthogonal-projection matrices
5.8.3 oblique projections
5.9 perspective-projection matrices
5.9.1 perspective normalization
5.9.2 opengl perspective transformations
5.10 projections and shadows
5.11 summary and notes
5.12 suggested readings
chapter 6 shading
6.1 light and matter
6.2 light sources
6.2.1 color sources
6.2.2 ambient light
6.2.3 point sources
6.2.4 spotlights
6.2.5 distant light sources
6.3 the phong reflection model
6.3.1 ambient reflection
6.3.2 diffuse reflection
6.3.3 specular reflection
6.4 computation of vectors
6.4.1 normal vectors
6.4.2 angle of reflection
6.4.3 use of the halfway vector
6.4.4 transmitted light
6.5 polygonal shading
6.5.1 flat shading
6.5.2 interpolative and gouraud shading
6.5.3 phong shading
6.6 approximation of a sphere by recursive subdivision
6.7 light sources in opengl
6.8 specification of materials in opengl
6.9 shading of the sphere model
6.10 global rendering
6.11 summary and notes
6.12 suggested readings
chapter 7 discrete techniques
7.1 buffers
7.2 digital images
7.3 writes into buffers
7.3.1 writing modes
7.3.2 writes with xor
7.4 bit and pixel operations in opengl
7.4.1 opengl buffers and the pixel pipeline
7.4.2 bitmaps
7.4.3 raster fonts
7.4.4 pixels and images
7.4.5 lookup tables
7.4.6 buffers for picking
7.5 mapping methods
7.6 texture mapping
7.6.1 two-dimensional texture mapping
7.6.2 texture mapping in opengl
7.6.3 texture objects
7.6.4 multitexturing
7.6.5 texture generation
7.7 environmental maps
7.8 bump maps
7.9 compositing techniques
7.9.1 opacity and blending
7.9.2 image compositing
7.9.3 blending and compositing in opengl
7.9.4 antialiasing
7.9.5 back-to-front and front-to-back rendering
7.9.6 depth cueing and fog
7.10 multirendering and the accumulation buffer
7.10.1 scene antialiasing
7.10.2 bump mapping and embossing
7.10.3 image processing
7.10.4 imaging extensions
7.10.5 other multipass methods
7.11 sampling and aliasing
7.11.1 sampling theory
7.11.2 reconstruction
7.11.3 quantization
7.12 summary and notes
7.13 suggested readings
chapter 8 implementation of a renderer
8.1 basic implementation strategies
8.2 four major tasks
8.2.1 modeling
8.2.2 geometric processing
8.2.3 rasterization
8.2.4 display
8.3 implementation of transformations
8.4 line-segment clipping
8.4.1 cohen-sutherland clipping
8.4.2 liang-barsky clipping
8.5 polygon clipping
8.6 clipping of other primitives
8.6.1 bounding boxes and volumes
8.6.2 curves, surfaces, and text
8.6.3 clipping in the frame buffer
8.7 clipping in three dimensions
8.8 hidden-surface removal
8.8.1 object-space and image-space approaches
8.8.2 sorting and hidden-surface removal
8.8.3 back-face removal
8.8.4 the z-buffer algorithm
8.8.5 depth sort and the painter's algorithm
8.8.6 the scan-line algorithm
8.9 scan conversion
8.10 bresenham's algorithm
8.11 scan conversion of polygons
8.11.1 inside-outside testing
8.11.2 opengl and concave polygons
8.11.3 scan conversion with the z-buffer
8.11.4 fill and sort
8.11.5 flood fill
8.11.6 scan-line algorithms
8.11.7 singularities
8.12 antialiasing
8.13 display considerations
8.13.1 color systems
8.13.2 the color matrix
8.13.3 gamma correction
8.13.4 dithering and halftoning
8.14 summary and notes
8.15 references
chapter 9 hierarchical and object-oriented modeling
9.1 symbols and instances
9.2 hierarchical models
9.3 a robot arm
9.4 trees and traversal
9.4.1 a stack-based traversal
9.5 use of tree data structures
9.6 animation
9.7 graphical objects
9.7.1 methods, attributes, and messages
9.7.2 a cube object
9.7.3 implementing the cube object
9.7.4 objects and hierarchy
9.7.5 geometric objects
9.8 scene graphs
9.9 a simple scene graph api
9.9.1 the node class
9.9.2 geometry nodes
9.9.3 camera class
9.9.4 lights and materials
9.9.5 transformations
9.9.6 the robot figure
9.9.7 implementing the viewer
9.9.8 implementing a node
9.10 other tree structures
9.10.1 csg trees
9.10.2 shade trees
9.10.3 bsp trees
9.10.4 quadtrees and octrees
9.11 graphics and the web
9.11.1 networks and protocols
9.11.2 hypermedia and html
9.11.3 databases and vrml
9.11.4 java and applets
9.12 summary and notes
9.13 suggested readings
chapter 10 curves and surfaces
10.1 representation of curves and surfaces
10.1.1 explicit representation
10.1.2 implicit representations
10.1.3 parametric form
10.1.4 parametric polynomial curves
10.1.5 parametric polynomial surfaces
10.2 design criteria
10.3 parametric cubic polynomial curves
10.4 interpolation
10.4.1 blending functions
10.4.2 the cubic interpolating patch
10.5 hermite curves and surfaces
10.5.1 the hermite form
10.5.2 geometric and parametric continuity
10.6 bezier curves and surfaces
10.6.1 bezier curves
10.6.2 bezier surface patches
10.7 cubic b-splines
10.7.1 the cubic b-spline curve
10.7.2 b-splines and basis
10.7.3 spline surfaces
10.8 general b-splines
10.8.1 recursively defined b-splines
10.8.2 uniform splines
10.8.3 nonuniform b-splines
10.8.4 nurbs
10.9 rendering of curves and surfaces
10.9.1 polynomial evaluation methods
10.9.2 recursive subdivision of bezier polynomials
10.9.3 rendering of other polynomial curves by subdivision
10.9.4 subdivision of bezier surfaces
10.10 the utah teapot
10.11 algebraic surfaces
10.11.1 quadrics
10.11.2 rendering of surfaces by ray casting
10.11.3 subdivision curves and surfaces
10.12 curves and surfaces in opengl
10.12.1 bezier curves
10.12.2 bezier surfaces
10.12.3 displaying the teapot
10.12.4 nurbs functions
10.12.5 quadrics
10.13 summary and notes
10.14 references and notes
chapter 11 procedural methods
11.1 reasons for using procedural models
11.2 physically based models and particle systems
11.3 newtonian particles
11.3.1 independent particles
11.3.2 spring forces
11.3.3 attractive and repulsive forces
11.4 solving particle systems
11.5 constraints
11.5.1 collisions
11.5.2 particles inside a sphere
11.5.3 soft constraints
11.6 language-based models
11.7 recursive methods and fractals
11.7.1 rulers and length
11.7.2 fractal dimension
11.7.3 midpoint division and brownian motion
11.7.4 fractal mountains
11.8 the mandelbrot set
11.9 summary and notes
11.10 suggested readings
chapter 12 visualization
12.1 data + geometry
12.2 height fields and contours
12.2.1 meshes
12.2.2 contour plots
12.2.3 marching squares
12.3 visualizing surfaces and scalar fields
12.3.1 volumetric data sets
12.3.2 visualization of implicit functions
12.4 isosurfaces and marching cubes
12.5 mesh simplification
12.6 direct volume rendering
12.6.1 assignment of color and opacity
12.6.2 splatting
12.6.3 volume ray tracing
12.6.4 texture mapping of volumes
12.7 vector-field visualization
12.7.1 hedgehogs
12.7.2 glyphs
12.7.3 color
12.7.4 particle traces and streamlines
12.8 tensor visualization
12.9 summary and notes
12.10 suggested readings
chapter 13 advanced rendering
13.1 going beyond pipeline rendering
13.2 ray tracing
13.3 building a simple ray tracer
13.3.1 recursive ray tracing
13.3.2 calculating intersections
13.3.3 ray-tracing variations
13.4 the rendering equation
13.5 radiosity
13.5.1 the radiosity equation
13.5.2 solving the radiosity equation
13.5.3 computing form factors
13.5.4 carrying out radiosity
13.6 renderman
13.7 large-scale rendering
13.7.1 sort-middle rendering
13.7.2 sort-last rendering
13.7.3 sort-first rendering
13.8 image-based rendering
13.8.1 a simple example
13.9 summary and notes
13.10 suggested readings
appendix a sample programs
appendix b spaces
appendix c matrices
function index
subject index


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