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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術計算機/網(wǎng)絡軟件與程序設計程序設計綜合活動目錄服務接口參考手冊(英文本)



定 價:¥148.00

作 者: (美)Microsoft公司著
出版社: 北京大學出版社
叢編項: 活動目錄編程和開發(fā)影印叢書
標 簽: 窗口軟件 Windows

ISBN: 9787301019788 出版時間: 2001-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 23cm 頁數(shù): 688頁 字數(shù):  


  本書是 ACTIVE DIRECTORY DEVELOPER’S REFERENCE LIBWY(活動目錄編程和開發(fā)影印叢書)中的一本,是一本完整而獨特的ADSI參考書,內容涉及所有的ADSI數(shù)據(jù)類型、常量、結構、枚舉函數(shù)、接口、系統(tǒng)提供者、錯誤代碼以及擴展的錯誤消息等。ADSI是一套COM接口,它所提供的單套目錄服務接口,可以用來管理分布式計算環(huán)境中的網(wǎng)絡資源。管理員和開發(fā)人員可以用ADS IIR務來完成常規(guī)的管理任務,如添加新用戶、管理打印機、在分布式計算環(huán)境中查找資源等。




Part 1
ChaPter 1: Using the A0tive DireCtory Library
How the Active Directory Library Is Structured
How the Active Directory Library Is Designed
Chapter 2: What’s ln This Volume?
ADSl Reference Contents
Chapter 3: Using Microsott Reference Resources
The Microsott DeveIoper NetWork
Comparing MSDN with MSDN OnIine
MSDN Subscriptions
MSDN Library Subscription
MSDN Pr0fessionaI Subscription
MSDN UniversaI Subscription
Purchasing an MSDN Subscription
Using MSDN
Navigating MSDN
Quick Tips
Using MSDN Online
Navigating MSDN OnIine
MSDN OnIine Features
MSDN OnIine Registered Users
The Windows Programming Reference Series
Chapter 4: Finding the DeveloPer Resources You Need
Developer Support
OnIine Resources
Learning Products
Other Resources
Chapter 5: ADSl Functions and Structures
ADSI Functions
0bsoIete ADSl FunCtions
ADSI StruCtures
Chapter 6: Enumer&ttons, Data Types, and Const8nts
ADSI Enumerations
ADSl Data Types and Constants
ADSl Simple Data Types
ADSl Constants
Chapter 7: About ADSl Interfaces
AIphabetical Listing of ADSI lnterfaces
Intertace PropertV Methods
Interface lmPIementation of SyStem Providers
Chapter 8: Core Interfaces
Core lnterfaces
Chapter 9: Schema lnterfaces
Schema Interfaces
Chapter 10: Property Cache lnterfaces
Property Cache Interfaces
Chapter 11: Persistent Object Interfaces
Persistent 0biect Interfaces
Chapter 12: Dynamic Object Interfaces
Dynamic Object Interfaces
Chapter 13: Security Interfaces
Security Interfaces
ChaPter 14: Non-Autom9tion Interfaces
Non-Automation Interfaces
Chapter 15: Extension Interfaces
Extension lnterfaces
Chapter 16: UtiIity lnterfaces
Utility Interfaces
ChaPter 17: Data Type lnterfaces
Data Type Interfaces
Chapter 18: ADSl SyStem Providers
ADSI LDAP Provider
ADSI LDAP Provider
Data Type Mapping BetWeen Active Directory and LDAP
Mapping LDAP Types to ADSTYPEs
Mapping BetWeen Friendly String Syntaxes and LDAP Types
Mapping BetWeen Syntax Object Identifiers and LDAP Types
ADSI Objects of LDAP
LDAP Syntax Object
LDAP User Obiect
Mapping BetWeen lADsUser Properties and
Active DireCtory Properties
User Creation in Active Directory
ExampIes of User Management in Active Directory
ADSl WinNT Provider
WinNT ADsPath
ADSl Obiects of WinNT
WinNT Schema
WinNT ObieCt Class Hierarchy
WinNT Schema’s Mandatory and OptionaI Pr0perties
WinNT User Object
Unsupported lA0sUser Pr0perty Methods
WinNT Custom User Properties
WinNT User Account Management Examples
ADSI NDS Provider
ADSI Objects of NDS
ADSl Router
ADSl Objects lmpIemented in the Router Layer
Provider Support of ADSl Interfaces
Provider Support fOr lADsUser
Provider Support for IADsComputer
Provider Support for IADsComputerOper8tions
Provider Support for lADsDomain
Provider Support for lADsFileService
Provider Support for lADsGroup
Provider Support for lADsCIass
Provider Support for IADsProperty
Provider Support for IADsSVntax
Provider Support for IADsContainer
Provider Support for lADsNamespaces
Provider Support for IADsAccessControIEntry
Provider Support for lADsAccessControIList
Provider Support for lADsSecurityDescriptor
Provider Support for lADsObjeCtOptions
Provider Support for IADsCoIIection
Provider Support for IADsMembers
Provider Support for lADsP8thname
Provider Support for lADsPrintQueue
Provider Support for IADsPrintQueueOperations
ChaPter 19: ADSl Error Codes
Generic COM Error Codes
Generic ADSl Error Codes
Win32 Error Codes for ADSI
Win32 Err0r Codes
Win32 Error Codes for ADSI 2.0
LDAP Error Codes for ADSI
ADSI EXtended Error Messages
Code ExampIe for Working with ADSl Error Messages
Part 3 - GIossarv and Indexes
Index 1: ACtive Directory Programmer’s Guide Coverage
lndex 2: ACtive Directory Ref6rence-AIphab6tical Listing
Index 3: ADSl, ADSl Exchanae, and Group PoIicv Proqrammer’s Guides Coverage
Index 4: ADSl R6ference - AIphabetical LiSting


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